It's Been A Pretty Good Day
Abby and I walked to church this morning to practise for tomorrow. It took about 20 minutes, but it was a really nice walk. I took my MP3 player which I haven't used in awhile so the walk just flew by. I was kinda tired and sweaty once I got there but it's all good. I think I should walk more int he mornings. It's still cool enough but really nice too.
Abby had a good nap this afternoon. Long enough for me to get a whole song done. Sweet. Then once she woke up, I happened to look at the temperature outside...18!! Awesome. So we put on our jackets, grabbed the dog and went outside.

Those were all the pictures I could take before she took off for the sidewalk. We walked up and sown that sidewalk 4 times then around to the backyard then back around. Finally she seemed to have a enough and headed for the stairs. But once I got her inside and got her boots off, she stated yelling and grabbing her boots and tried to put them on again. But she got distracted pretty easily and is now enjoying some yummy grapes and a piece of cheese. This evening, I'm planning on a big bag of popcorn, a call to my folks and a good movie to finish it off. Good day indeed.
P.S. I think I need to get my wisdom tooth pulled.
Abby had a good nap this afternoon. Long enough for me to get a whole song done. Sweet. Then once she woke up, I happened to look at the temperature outside...18!! Awesome. So we put on our jackets, grabbed the dog and went outside.
P.S. I think I need to get my wisdom tooth pulled.