So Much To Tell
That I don't know where to start. So maybe I'll summarize... nope, can't do that either. Let's just say, things are progressing. slowly but surely. Our house here still hasn't sold and we still haven't bought a house there. But there is a house there that we really like. So we are waiting (im)patiently.

Our truck can keep track of the time you spent driving, this is a picture of how long in hours the trip took...
Our second trip of the month went pretty smoothly all things considered. But we are very glad to get back. And now that we are back, we are waiting a whole five days before leaving again! Well, actually just Mark. He's moving his friend and he might as well stay since he's starting some classes the next week. I will probably go down a few days later. Just the thought of leaving right away made my stomach lurch! Plus, it will be hard to take care of a dog and a toddler while helping somebody move.
You'll have to forgive me if I don't post too much in the following month. There is a lot to do and so many changes that it's best I just (try to) summarize once it's all over and we're settled.
Me as a bridesmaid...the wedding was beautiful and even though it was a long way, I'm glad we went. Congratulations to the new couple!!
And how many kms we drove in total...