What We've Been Up To
Look what my baby can do now!!
We have been really busy here lately. I apologize for the long pause in posts.
Let's see......
We took a trip to Minot with my sister and her family and my parents. We had a really good time. We stayed a great hotel with a giant water park so the kids had a blast! So did the adults too. We did some shopping and did some sightseeing (what we could see that wasn't blocked off from all the dikes!)
The my sister and her family stayed with us for a few days. It was great to see all the cousins playing together.
Then we went to Regina for the football game (it was good even if they lost). Off to Moose Jaw and then to Swift Current for a Family Reunion, back to Moose Jaw (toured the Western Development Museum - rode around on the train) and finally, back home.
Then Mark's sister and her husband came for a visit.
Whew. It's been a lot of fun and a great way to spend the summer. Last summer was as busy but we did all the driving! This way, everyone comes to us and we get to have just as much fun. Today, we took our guest for a drive around town to show where all the flooding was, and the lake. It was great because I had never seen these things either.
On Thursday, all the girls at work when over to the one lawyer's house. His wife knows how to airbrush toe nails. It's really neat. So we all got our toes done. I picked ladybugs because I knew Abby would love them and I though they were pretty cute too. Well, when she saw them, she freaked! She chased me around the house yelling "LADYBUBS!!! LADYBUBS!!!!" And she tried to pick them off my toes. I ended up wearing socks that day. When I got home from work, she pointed to her toes and asked for ladybugs on her toes. Now, I didn't do as good a job but it satisfied Abby and she hasn't tried to steal my toes again!
