Hello, from the whole family!
I noticed it's been awhile and since Abby is happily sitting on the couch watching A Bug's Life (again) I thought I'd take the opportunity to share what we have been up lately. I have been patiently (ha) waiting to feel the baby move for the last 18 weeks. A few weeks ago, I started feeling flutterings but I could always explain them away as gas or my imagination. Last week, I was driving to the library when I felt a definitive one-two punch. Yeah! Since then, I can feel them more and more. And the Little Critter loves to sit right on a gas bubble which makes it very hard (and somewhat painful) to walk around. Yesterday at work, it finally decided to shift and I found I could walk normally again. Yeah! Also, I have learned how to sit properly so my back doesn't hurt and the nerve that runs down my leg doesn't get pinched. All awesome things to know. I've also found that laying on the right side is WAY more comfortable than laying on my left side. Take that pregnancy books. I'm getting used to this bump and the little one inside. We're getting to know each other better and how to get along together.
I had my second ultrasound appointment. Everything looks good. Baby is progressing fine and measures right along with where I'm supposed to me. She asked if we wanted to know if it was a boy or a girl and we couldn't decide. So she wrote it down and put it in an envelope which is sitting on our fridge. We haven't broken down and read it yet. Someone likened it to opening your Christmas presents and then wrapping them up and putting them back under the tree. Here are some pictures...
You can see a little hand over the belly. It had it's hand over it's ears most of the time. I guess we were too loud.
It has a really cute little nose
Here's a close up
A tiny little foot. She had a hard time looking at the feet cuz the little one kept kicking. I am growing a marathon runner!
Here's a picture of the spine. It's crazy to see!
I did really well, and didn't cry at all until she showed me the heart. I don't know why that got to me so much. I just started thinking that that little heart is beating inside that little baby inside of me. Awesome.
I decided there was one thing I couldn't wait anymore for...Christmas! This morning, I put up the Christmas tree and started (tried) to decorate it. It's a lot more difficult when you have a very helpful three year old following you around wanting to fix it! And by fix it, I mean taking off the decorations and putting them all in the same spot. So the tree has a few bare patches and a few very decorated areas. Oh well. We had to break for lunch before I could get the village set up. Then it was time for errands at Walmart. And then we needed a nap. A long one. So there's still some work to do tomorrow. I still need to start in on the baking but I didn't get all the ingredients at Walmart today. The joys of shopping in Estevan, the shelves are bare. I was told today that this Walmart is short staffed by 100 people. Oh my, merry Christmas indeed! I do not envy them!
I had my second ultrasound appointment. Everything looks good. Baby is progressing fine and measures right along with where I'm supposed to me. She asked if we wanted to know if it was a boy or a girl and we couldn't decide. So she wrote it down and put it in an envelope which is sitting on our fridge. We haven't broken down and read it yet. Someone likened it to opening your Christmas presents and then wrapping them up and putting them back under the tree. Here are some pictures...
You can see a little hand over the belly. It had it's hand over it's ears most of the time. I guess we were too loud.

I decided there was one thing I couldn't wait anymore for...Christmas! This morning, I put up the Christmas tree and started (tried) to decorate it. It's a lot more difficult when you have a very helpful three year old following you around wanting to fix it! And by fix it, I mean taking off the decorations and putting them all in the same spot. So the tree has a few bare patches and a few very decorated areas. Oh well. We had to break for lunch before I could get the village set up. Then it was time for errands at Walmart. And then we needed a nap. A long one. So there's still some work to do tomorrow. I still need to start in on the baking but I didn't get all the ingredients at Walmart today. The joys of shopping in Estevan, the shelves are bare. I was told today that this Walmart is short staffed by 100 people. Oh my, merry Christmas indeed! I do not envy them!