One Week Closer...

Pregnancy Update #??
Good news: My incision is not in danger. Baby is looking well, growing lots and is healthy.
Bad new: Round Ligament Pain. I had it with Abby, but only for a little while. It would hurt really bad if I got up too fast or turned around quickly. But it went away after a few days. But this time, it's different. It always seems to be sore. Not the stabbing, momentary pain, just a general constant soreness. If I find myself walking too fast, it'll call out to me to slow down. The day before my doctor's appointment was actually busier than usual with playing in church, getting groceries, and a potluck with friends in the evening. When I was in the waiting room, I started getting dizzy and very tired. When I told him that, he said I should take it easier and maybe take a day or two off. I didn't know what to say. I only work three hours a day! And not all that hard! But chasing after Abby, getting her to her Story Time at the Library, and wrangling her home. Driving her to Clubs in the evening and wrestling her back. And I can't really take time off from that! But I'm not going to put her in the next round of Story Time and I'm not going to start any new activities. And hopefully try and relax while I can.

Speaking of not doing anything and relaxing... in preparation for the new baby, I have to thin out some toys around here. I have to go through all of Abby's toys and separate the ones she still plays with, the toys more appropriate for a baby and the random junk she has collected and turned into toys, and the garbage. I spent most of the morning sorting while Abby watched Diego. The living room and Abby's room look a lot better but there's still the basement to do and Abby's room to finish. Not to mention all the baby clothes that have to be prepped. I have a few boxes of clothes in the house, but the majority of them are in the attic of the garage. Well, I'll go through the ones I have and see what I got. We can't really put much more into the house until we take more out. And who wants to climb through an attic in the middle of January while there's a cold snap on? Mind you, on Sunday, it's supposed to be 0 degrees out there. Back to our Winter/Spring.


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