Festival (Edited)
And it all came rushing back. From the lady next to the adjudicator holding the books to the hushed crowd. To the lady at the front calling out the class numbers. And the waiting. Good golly the waiting. At least this time I wasn't a jumble of nerves. This time.
1:00. Isabelle wakes up. I get her changed and feed her a couple bowls of applesauce. Then I change her and Mark gets Abby ready. We're out the door and at the festival by 1:30. Right on time.
It's amazing how old habits come rushing back. I looked at the stack of books, looking for Abby's book to see when she would be performing. It's the waiting that always gets me. Sitting here with nothing to do except stare at my hands and watch kid after kid go up there and do what I am just sitting around waiting to do. And stare at the pile of books getting closer and closer to mine. This time however, I was glad to see her book come up. After the adjudicator talks to the last group of kids, in great detail, all the kids file onto the stage. It's a zoo. Of course it is. It was the most adorable zoo ever. Abby looks around for us, she starts calling so we wave. And she waves back. Over and over. I know I should be mad and tell her to put her arm down and listen to the teacher. But the look on her face gets to me. It's the smile on her face. Her big eyes searching for me. She's a little girl who wants nothing more than to see her mommy and daddy and for her mommy and daddy to see her.
They get the kids herded together and they sing their songs. The adjudicator attempts to give some notes but there's too many little kids who have waited too long to listen to anymore. We get back to the car (after I chase Abby off the stage - she says she loves it on the stage) and look at the clock: 3:30. They were supposed to sing at 2:15. But it's the festival. It's life. And it's going to be a part of our lives for awhile. Might as well get used to it.
We relaxed the rest of the afternoon. Watched some curling. Continued watching Bones on Netflix. Ate junk food. If Abby was able to behave for that long and be that good, then she deserved some Caillou and a sucker.
It was a long day. But a good day. There's a recital on Friday. They'll sing the same songs and Abby has a short piece to play. Should be good too.
(I forgot to mention about Isabelle. The entire time we were there apprx 2 hours, she was virtually silent. Maybe it was because she was too busy smiling at the people behind us. Who knows. There was one time when she made a few Guh Guh sounds and I took her to the back but other than that, she was the quietest baby I have ever seen. So grateful. So very, very grateful.)
1:00. Isabelle wakes up. I get her changed and feed her a couple bowls of applesauce. Then I change her and Mark gets Abby ready. We're out the door and at the festival by 1:30. Right on time.
It's amazing how old habits come rushing back. I looked at the stack of books, looking for Abby's book to see when she would be performing. It's the waiting that always gets me. Sitting here with nothing to do except stare at my hands and watch kid after kid go up there and do what I am just sitting around waiting to do. And stare at the pile of books getting closer and closer to mine. This time however, I was glad to see her book come up. After the adjudicator talks to the last group of kids, in great detail, all the kids file onto the stage. It's a zoo. Of course it is. It was the most adorable zoo ever. Abby looks around for us, she starts calling so we wave. And she waves back. Over and over. I know I should be mad and tell her to put her arm down and listen to the teacher. But the look on her face gets to me. It's the smile on her face. Her big eyes searching for me. She's a little girl who wants nothing more than to see her mommy and daddy and for her mommy and daddy to see her.
They get the kids herded together and they sing their songs. The adjudicator attempts to give some notes but there's too many little kids who have waited too long to listen to anymore. We get back to the car (after I chase Abby off the stage - she says she loves it on the stage) and look at the clock: 3:30. They were supposed to sing at 2:15. But it's the festival. It's life. And it's going to be a part of our lives for awhile. Might as well get used to it.
We relaxed the rest of the afternoon. Watched some curling. Continued watching Bones on Netflix. Ate junk food. If Abby was able to behave for that long and be that good, then she deserved some Caillou and a sucker.
It was a long day. But a good day. There's a recital on Friday. They'll sing the same songs and Abby has a short piece to play. Should be good too.
(I forgot to mention about Isabelle. The entire time we were there apprx 2 hours, she was virtually silent. Maybe it was because she was too busy smiling at the people behind us. Who knows. There was one time when she made a few Guh Guh sounds and I took her to the back but other than that, she was the quietest baby I have ever seen. So grateful. So very, very grateful.)