Words With Friends

Our laptop is dying. Every once and awhile, it will freeze up and not work for a few minutes. And the battery doesn't work so it needs to be plugged in at all times. One time when we were watching TV on the laptop, it froze up. One of us, probably both, muttered, "stupid computer!" I thought was a pretty good alternative of what could have been spoken but when it comes right back at you out of the mouth of a four year old, it doesn't seem so innocent anymore. We told her it was a bad word and she shouldn't say it. However, I don't think it's right to leave a four year old without a way of expressing her frustration. So we decided on Junk. It's not a stupid computer, it's a junk computer. So if you're ever around when Abby gets upset, don't be surprised if she blurts out, "Oh, this is junk!!"

I've never been big on profanity. But I find you need a way to vent frustrations at times. And there are certain sounds that can do this. Lately, it's been Gah. But it's hard going around saying gah all the time. I have an uncle who always said Golly (Gaul-lee!!) I suspect he may have use other words around other people but he always said Golly around me. And as a sensitive little kid, I always appreciated it. And now I see just how useful It is. I've always liked cuss words that also kinda make you laugh. Like when you stub your toe and yell out "Consarnit!" It takes the pain away when you start to giggle. So now when I get upset or frustrated I just say "Golly" and it makes me think of my uncle and it's not so bad. And hearing it parroted by a four year old is just an added benefit.


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