All the news that's new to print.
Boy, it's been awhile. I guess time flies when you're having fun!! When last I posted, I had decided to start selling buns. I'm glad to say that I am continuing and doing pretty good. I've made
more money than I am spending so that's always a good thing. I've had a couple repeat customers. That's how I'm really basing my success. It's not too hard to get one customer, but to get one more than once, that's the challenge.
Abby spent a few days with her grandparents. Mark and I (and the girls) went up for the weekend to see Les Mis and the Rider game. (Both were amazing!) My sister and her family were there too and all the grandkids stayed for a few days with grandma and grandpa. Abby had a great time and it was nice to get her back! She looked taller!! Isabelle also seems older all of the sudden. She can understand me now. I can tell her to get her blankie or get a book and she'll do it. Still no words. Although, she does say hi and what could be taken as hello. No mom or dad but I'm not concerned. Abby took a long time to talk and now she can't stop! And even her speech has improved lately. She used to say humpry for hungry and would only correct herself when we reminded her. Now she always says hungry. And as a growing almost-5-year old, she says it a lot!
We've been keeping ourselves quite busy lately. Mark took a roofing job last week. I would take the kids to park in the morning and then in the afternoon if Isabelle went down for a nap (and Mark was home) I took Abby to the outdoor pool. She has so much fun playing there. One time she just sat on the side and played with the toy whales. Yesterday we went to the beach. It was too windy to do anything but sit on the beach but the kids had a blast. Abby made a sand castle and dug a ditch from the sand to the water and laughed and laughed when I poured water down. Isabelle was happy to walk around the beach, into the water, splash around, fall down, pick herself up, eat some sand and do it all over again.
I'll try to update more in the future. There's so much more I could've written about Les Mis, both Rider games and many other things going on around here. But I've got another order for tomorrow afternoon so I'll be busy with that!