I'm Back!!

I took a hiatus from the blog for quite awhile. It's not that's I didn't have lots to write about or even that I didn't have much time. It's that I'd get these great ideas and jot down some notes and when the time came to write it up in a blog post...all motivation was gone. The idea was boring and the format too long. I'm thinking I might get into the podcasts. I can talk faster than I can type and hopefully it will be a bit more mobile that way too. I'll have to do some more investigation into that so I'll keep you posted (hopefully).

Since last I posted, a lot has happened. Last summer I started working as an administrative assistant. It's good work and the hours are great. So are the people I'm working with. But it's not where I want to be forever. I'm working on a plan for that too - stay tuned.

I've also made more of a commitment to my health. It was a New Years resolution to get healthy. Long story short, I needed to get back into my work pants. So I made some small changes like making vegetables a priority and getting active on a somewhat regular basis. So far I'm down 12 lbs and back in my old pants. I joined a club with my friends and we all worked out every Friday morning. We're on a break for the summer so I have to figure out something else to do. I ride the stationary bike sometimes in the evening. But I've been busy lately. Which brings me to my next topic...

Last May, Mark and I bought 10 acres of land. We put in an approach and road but left it for the rest of the winter. Now work has really begun. Mark and I have started the foundation of a shop.  For now, it'll be used to store stuff while we make the transition to living out there. The plan as of now is to put the house up for sale and hopefully get it sold soon. Then we'd get an apartment somewhere while we build our dream house at the acreage. Big dreams, big plans. Lots to do. I really hope it's not another two years before I update again.


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