Signs of Spring - For Real This Time

Finally.  I think it might be real this time. Spring.  Although I’m sure there will be another blast of winter and one more blizzard to round out the season.  But I think I can say that we are in “early spring”.


The Canada Geese arrived several weeks ago.  Last week I saw a dozen snow geese and just yesterday two big flocks flew overhead.  I also saw at least four meadowlarks flying around in the front yard.


I always feel that this time of year is a start of a new year.  It’s time to plan your adventures for the year and get back outside.  We’ve managed to barbeque a couple times already (although one day it was kinda pushing it). 


This year I definitely want to do more of that (or at least make my husband so it!) 


We are also starting our summer planning.  The girls are each going away to camp for a week this summer.  We are also planning to go visit some family we hardly ever see who live in Alberta.  We are going to take the Airstream and enjoy some campground living for a week.  We also want to visit some campgrounds around here too to practise before our big adventure.  There are a few close by that look really nice.  


Our daughters are 13 and almost 10 and for now, they still like to spend time with us. I think we really need to take advantage of this time and create some great family memories.  I know it won’t always be perfect but the girls will be able to go back to those memories and know that we are always there for them and genuinely enjoy spending time with them. Memories to last a lifetime.


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