Tis the Season!!!

And you thought we'd be lonely! Nope, we had a great time. On Christmas Eve, there was a Candlelight Service at the Church which I sang with the worship team. We led a few songs as well as sang a special number ourselves. There were other special music too. After that, we opened our presents. There was some surprises (good ones) and the expected chocolates! Yeah! We were very happy and thankful to everyone! Then on Christmas morning, we slept in and spent and relaxing morning sitting around the house. In the afternoon, I made my cherry cheesecake and we went over to some friends of ours for Christmas Super. He is a teacher with Mark and I met her at the Beauty and the Beast try-outs. (She didn't get the part either but we both agree that the other girl will do a fine job) We had a really nice meal with them and their two daughters. After supper and dessert, we played Apples to Apples and Taboo. It was a lot of fun. But then we had to go home to bed. It was snowing when we left so the car was covered in a blanket of snow. I have to say, it was quite pretty. Difficult to drive in, but pretty none the less. I could hardly see through the falling flakes.
Today we went to the Annual Boxing Day Fishing Derby. I believe two fish were caught. One four inch perch and one baby jack. Both would have made great bait. But there were a few snowmobiles so the kids were entertained. I even took one for a spin. It's a little different driving over a field and driving over a lake that turns into slush if you're not careful. I hit a bit but hit the gas and got out of it. I didn't want to be the one to lose the snowmobile. So now we're home, relaxing and eating left over hot dogs that weren't eaten at the derby. Oh, we took Deeds to the derby. She did really well and didn't run off like I though she might. The Wride's dog Tundra showed up too. Dee Dee is about half her size so she tried as hard as she could to keep away from the lumbering dog. Tundra is still kinda a puppy so she's hard to control.
I hope everyone else had a good Christmas Break. It's back to work for me tomorrow. Enjoy the pictures!