My Part Time Job

Thus begins my half time job. Remember when I got my job they said it was a part time job but then I never ended up working part time? Well, it begins. It's the slow time so both us office girls got cut in half. She's there now. And I was there this morning. At least this way, I have the rest of the day to do things. Like plan for this weekend. We're planning to go to Saskatoon to do some shopping and for a change of scenery.

And, probably the best part of not working afternoon, I can watch BASEBALL! It's started. Well, yesterday, but for the Blue Jays today, and the first few games are afternoon games. So I'm watching and typing at the same time. Who says I can't multitask! Last night, I talked to my Mom and made supper at the same time, although I don't know if I kept up my end of the conversation very well, and the potatoes were done way before everything else, so maybe I can't multitask. But, I have work to do, so I'd better get going. How did that work? I get the afternoon off and find myself with more work to do!


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