Yummy Yummy in my Tummy

My mom used to be a part of this women's service group called YF Wives. (I looked this up on the internet to see if they still exist - all the sites I found were from Weyburn so I'm thinking this is just a Weyburn thing - if I'm wrong, let me know) My basic understanding is that they are the wives of the members of a men's group called The Young Fellows who do various charity/service work around the community. They built a park, supported local sports team etc. Anyway, that's not my point. My point is that every week, my mom (or dad) would go to their meetings and sometimes my mom had to take a snack to share with the group. These snacks always looked so good and I never got to eat any of them. We used to bug my mom every time she took snack.

Today I got groceries. I am taking snack for Bible Study tomorrow so I bought a loaf for the group. It was sitting on the counter when Mark came home for lunch and saw it. I quickly told him that he couldn't eat it because I was taking it for snack. Right away he said the same thing that I used to tell my mother every time she took something delicious away from me.

That afternoon, I was tired so after Abby went for her nap, I took a nap too. When I woke up, I felt so much better. I gave Abby a snack and realized that since I hated it when my mom made yummies for others, I know how it feels so I decided to make brownies. Once Mark got home, I gave him the option - brownies or lemon loaf. He chose brownies. All is well.

I don't think this will be a regular thing...making two snacks just so Mark gets one too, it's just I was in such a great mood, I felt like I could do anything.

P.S. When my mom was pregnant with me, she was the president of the YF Wives. For a big party, they had Tommy Douglas as their guest. Since she was the president, she sat beside him. Since she was pregnant with me, I sat sat beside him too. So that means I sat beside the man who gave us Health Care and the grandfather of Kiefer Sutherland!


Tanya said…
I always just make a really big batch for snack. Then I can bring some home and Brian can have the leftovers!
Julie said…
I have a friend who makes a small plate of each thing she's making (when she hosts an event at her house) and then her husband is only allowed to eat his small versions of the snacks she makes.

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