Well, it makes for good inspiration...
So here I am doing something I haven't done in a very long time...bloggin'. It just seems like since forever that I had a spare moment to catch my breath, collect my thoughts and type them up. Whether I am working, or running after Abby or failing to keep the house clean...and then to actually try and form a coherent thought? Well, I can hardly do it now and I have no distractions. Mark is over at a friend's house and Abby is asleep. Deeds is somewhere curled up snoring and I have nothing but my computer in front of me. I guess there just a lot on my mind...
are we ever going to sell the house?
are we going to get a decent price?
can we afford a the house we want?
can I find a new job?
But the most pressing one is about selling the house. I think all the other things will fall into place once that happens. I've had lots of people tell me not to worry, that there will be no problem selling the house, good house, redone inside, nice neighbourhood etc. Well, where are they all? We've had two sets of people come through to look but nothing lately. So we have planned an open house. Anybody wanna buy a house? Know who someone who needs a house? C'mon over next Saturday from 3-5. Please. I'll have coffee and crackers and dip. I know in a couple of months, when this is all over, this will all be a memory, but right now...I don't know how much more I can take!!!
But on the bright side, Abby is doing well. She went for her check up and is growing just like she should...maybe a bit on the shy side but that's no problem for me. She cried (screamed) through the whole exam so he could hardly check her out. But from the fact that she looks good, all her measurements are good and I have no concerns, he said she's fine.
Here's some updated pics of us...
Abby thinks she can lead the dog around. She thinks this because the dog will usually follow her. Not always, but sometimes. Any if she doesn't want to, well, there's not much Abby can do about it. This time it looks as though Deeds doesn't really want to go but there might be a cookie in it for her later.
Good dog.
Abby out for walk with Daddy. Abby loves going for walks. She could walk around the block for hours!
are we ever going to sell the house?
are we going to get a decent price?
can we afford a the house we want?
can I find a new job?
But the most pressing one is about selling the house. I think all the other things will fall into place once that happens. I've had lots of people tell me not to worry, that there will be no problem selling the house, good house, redone inside, nice neighbourhood etc. Well, where are they all? We've had two sets of people come through to look but nothing lately. So we have planned an open house. Anybody wanna buy a house? Know who someone who needs a house? C'mon over next Saturday from 3-5. Please. I'll have coffee and crackers and dip. I know in a couple of months, when this is all over, this will all be a memory, but right now...I don't know how much more I can take!!!
But on the bright side, Abby is doing well. She went for her check up and is growing just like she should...maybe a bit on the shy side but that's no problem for me. She cried (screamed) through the whole exam so he could hardly check her out. But from the fact that she looks good, all her measurements are good and I have no concerns, he said she's fine.
Here's some updated pics of us...