Whadda Day
Step One: Clean the House
Woke up around 7:30. Had a shower in the first time since...I don't want to talk about it. Did some last minute clean up and then we set up for the garage sale.
Step Two: Garage Sale
It was set to start at 9 am and go until 3 pm. Well, it started at 8:36 and ended at 2:47. But back to the beginning. I was still dealing with Abby when Mark said that he already made two sales. Score! It was almost non-stop until 9:45. Then it really slowed down. Abby started wandering. Oh, and did I mention it was cold? But it didn't rain. (We had watched the weather all week...60% chance of rain one day, no rain the next, 30% chance then next, then no rain, then 40%. Ahhh! Can we all agree they don't know and are guessing along with the rest of us?) Clouds rolled in and clouds rolled out, the cold remained. Abby kept wandering and more people came and took crap off our hands. There was even one person who looked at the house - for her friend, he old friend, her old friend who needs a much smaller house. C'est la vie. So around 2 o'clock we started getting tired and we wanted to shut it down. But we held out a bit longer. But only a bit.
Step three: Haul the rest of the junk to the dump
That was the easy part. We didn't haul all of it. Some of it we're donating to a Thrift Store, the books are going to the Book store and well, I don't remember what else we have out there.
Step Four: Make supper
Rotisserie bison roast. Yummy
Step Five: Band Concert
By this time we were so tired. I had another shower just to wake myself up. Didn't work too well. Oh well, the show must go one. Our conductor was emotional about the concert because this was her baby and we finally got it to the point of concert and sharing it with the town. I didn't really understand until the first bar of the first song. i got choked up on The Muppet Show! The rest of the pieces I managed to keep together. But by the end of the last one, I was a wreck. Then some people called for an encore so we played The Muppets again. Well, I was done by the end! I knew that if I walked out slowly, people would tell me how they like the show and how they enjoyed it so I ducked out the side way, ran to the bathroom, ha a little cry and came back to face people. I'm not to sure why I got so emotional, was it the conductor's influence, was it the realization that I'm playing in front of everyone, was it the power in the music? Who knows. But I have to admit that it wasn't the first time I've been brought to tears because of music. Maybe I was more tired than I thought. But I came out and everyone said how much they enjoyed the show and I felt so good about how we did. Any missed notes or forgotten dynamics weren't important. We did it. And we did it good.
Step Six: Go to bed
Abby is in bed. Boy was she tired. It's just after 9 o'clock and I'm ready to crawl into bed now. Good night.