Still Here
You know that great smell when you are sitting around a campfire? Well, that's what my backyard smells like. And last night when I let the dog out, a tiny piece of ash fell on my hand. A half hour later, it was raining ash. I guess I should stock up on marshmallows! The fires are burning approx 8 miles out of Cranberry Portage which is only about 50 kms from Flin Flon. But that's along the highway, as the crow flies, it's much shorter. Cranberry is on evacuation alert and some people are leaving. Those at the lakes around here and getting prepared to leave too. I'm concerned and yet, I'm not. I'm as concerned as I was about bears while I was berry picking. It's a possibility but highly unlikely. Besides, it's something way too exciting to ever happen to me. And that's probably for the best. The big problem arises when the smoke gets too thick. Int he evening, the main highway out of town was closed. There are only two highways out of town, and there is a fire growing on the other side now too. So if both fires get bigger, both highways are going to be closed and the only way out of town will be by air. Yeah, all we needed, more stress. We're planning a trip south after Canada Day. Hopefully things will change in a week.
Ash on the truck
A big piece of ash falling
The view from our yard
Kissynew Lake just north of Flin Flon

For the last 15 days, Dee Dee has been on medication to clear up her skin condition (dry, flaky and ear puss). She had two different pills and ear drops twice a day. One of those pills is Prednisone. Apparently, after an evening of accidents, we realized that it makes Dee Dee drinks lots of water which makes her pee lots. So for the last two weeks, she has spent most of the time outside and for the last week, we've been getting up around 2-4am to let her out. There have been a couple nights where she made it, and a couple nights we didn't get to her fast enough. But she's done the pills now so hopefully she'll go back to normal now. The problem we face now is that she feels comfy outside and doesn't want to come in. I never thought I would have an outside dog. I never liked to see dogs left outside all day and not allowed to come inside and play with the family. But she really doesn't want to come in, I had to drag her in on time. So I guess if she really likes it out there, she can stay. Easier for me!
It's taken me quite awhile to put up the Father's Day pictures. We had a nice day. We went to the beach at Baker's Narrows and then had lasagna and chocolate cake for supper.

Nothing to update about the house. But I think we have a plan for what we are going to do. It's going to involve some sacrifice but nobody said life was easy. July is going to busy for us anyway. We're going south in a week for a few days then off to Alberta for a wedding near the end of the month. We're going to use the trip to Alberta as a vacation. A vacation for this town, these fires and the mess of the house. We are going to try our best not to think about the house, not to talk about the house or even remember it still exists. The only dealings we will have is if the realtor calls. There is nothing we can do about it anyway, it's not like this is a problem which needs a little more thought.
I did something I have been wanting to do since we moved here. I walked Flinty's Boardwalk. It's really beautiful. It goes all the way around the lake then it turns into stairs and continues up the rocks. Since I was pushing Abby in the stroller, we turned around at that point. But it was a nice walk. We left just after 1:30 and didn't get back until 2:45. But it's such a nice walk, it didn't feel that long. It's nice and level, no hills and the path is maintained very well. I took a whole bunch of pictures, I'll just give you a sample...
The start of Flint's Boardwalk

A train going by. The tracks are right beside the path so we got a good look at it. I forgot how loud trains are but Abby didn't mind int he least. This picture is taken near the end of the trail.

Mark has been working on two DVD shelves to match the entertainment centre he made while still interning at Knoll. He brought them home last night. Awesome!!
Ash on the truck

For the last 15 days, Dee Dee has been on medication to clear up her skin condition (dry, flaky and ear puss). She had two different pills and ear drops twice a day. One of those pills is Prednisone. Apparently, after an evening of accidents, we realized that it makes Dee Dee drinks lots of water which makes her pee lots. So for the last two weeks, she has spent most of the time outside and for the last week, we've been getting up around 2-4am to let her out. There have been a couple nights where she made it, and a couple nights we didn't get to her fast enough. But she's done the pills now so hopefully she'll go back to normal now. The problem we face now is that she feels comfy outside and doesn't want to come in. I never thought I would have an outside dog. I never liked to see dogs left outside all day and not allowed to come inside and play with the family. But she really doesn't want to come in, I had to drag her in on time. So I guess if she really likes it out there, she can stay. Easier for me!
It's taken me quite awhile to put up the Father's Day pictures. We had a nice day. We went to the beach at Baker's Narrows and then had lasagna and chocolate cake for supper.
Nothing to update about the house. But I think we have a plan for what we are going to do. It's going to involve some sacrifice but nobody said life was easy. July is going to busy for us anyway. We're going south in a week for a few days then off to Alberta for a wedding near the end of the month. We're going to use the trip to Alberta as a vacation. A vacation for this town, these fires and the mess of the house. We are going to try our best not to think about the house, not to talk about the house or even remember it still exists. The only dealings we will have is if the realtor calls. There is nothing we can do about it anyway, it's not like this is a problem which needs a little more thought.
I did something I have been wanting to do since we moved here. I walked Flinty's Boardwalk. It's really beautiful. It goes all the way around the lake then it turns into stairs and continues up the rocks. Since I was pushing Abby in the stroller, we turned around at that point. But it was a nice walk. We left just after 1:30 and didn't get back until 2:45. But it's such a nice walk, it didn't feel that long. It's nice and level, no hills and the path is maintained very well. I took a whole bunch of pictures, I'll just give you a sample...
The start of Flint's Boardwalk
A train going by. The tracks are right beside the path so we got a good look at it. I forgot how loud trains are but Abby didn't mind int he least. This picture is taken near the end of the trail.
Mark has been working on two DVD shelves to match the entertainment centre he made while still interning at Knoll. He brought them home last night. Awesome!!
Stay safe, hope for rain, and pray for those brave men and women fighting these fires.