Look Who's Talking!
Ahhhh, that feels so much better. To have internet again. What a sweet relief. So what has been happening lately?

But the best news came a couple days ago. I had a job interview the day before for a filing job at a law firm. Just three hours everyday in the afternoon. Well, I got the job! I started today. It sounds like it's going to be a good job. It's nice that it's just in the afternoon so I can still have time with Abby. And that wasn't the best news...we had an offer on the house!! It hasn't gone through yet but we're pretty happy.
We had to listen to it on the radio because we didn't get TV and internet until today! It's been tough these last few days without it. I can handle no TV. We just listen to the radio and read. But no internet is really tough. I had to drive over to a friend's house to use his wireless just so I could pay some bills. And then Abby would usually start crying so I would have to rush and end up forgetting something! But now I can do whatever I want whenever I want (as long as she is asleep otherwise she tries to "help").
We packed up the budget truck with a housefull of stuff. It's a good thing we got rid of a bunch of furniture because once the truck was crammed full - and I mean crammed full - there was still some stuff left over. But we threw it in the garage and took off. (I simplify)
We really looked like hillbillies! We had the BBQ strapped to the back of the truck!
We got to Estevan and with help form Mark's new co-workers, we unloaded. Boxes everywhere. But after a few days, things started finding homes and spaces. In fact, the house looked fairly livable within a few days. It didn't start to feel like home for many later.
Mark started school. It was quite the adjustment. He can tell you all about it. I learned how to drive around town. I only got lost a couple times. And I remembered how to shoulder-check! This driving in more than one lane is fun!! So in the last few days, Mark is getting better settled in at work and I am getting more comfortable around town. I found the library, the pool (we went on a Saturday evening with Abby for a Family Swim - we were the only people there! It was awesome.) I even went to the farmer's market. We've gone to church a few times now. There are a lot of young families there. Our neighbours across the street go and they have a little girl just a year older than Abby! We've played with her a couple times. And we've played in the backyard. It is so nice to have a backyard. It is entirely fenced in so the dog and Abby can just run around.
During the Labour Day Weekend, Mark took the truck back to Flin Flon to bring home the rest of the stuff. Abby and I listened to the game on the radio. It ended just as Mark was pulling into the garage with the truck loaded.
So expect a bit more updating from now on. At least more than in the last month!!