Goings on

We just had a nice visit with Mark's parents. They were on their way back home and stopped in for a couple days. It was nice to see them again and Mark's dad helped him take down our steps on the side of the house. They were not built correctly...to say the least. It was pieced together and wasn't even secured to the house. So they tore it all down, and started building it back up. Mark had to order some pieces so he can't finish up until the weekend. I'll have pictures once it's done. The biggest problem with the whole thing has been the weather. It's so hot and humid that it gets too uncomfortable to work any other time than in the morning and evening. So far, he's got it all framed up and the metal step holders are in position (I'm sure they have real names but I don't know them).

After Mark's parents left on Tuesday after breakfast. We were all outside (it was actually a little cool - still humid) saying good-bye and then playing a bit. I saw the little girl from across the street outside playing - she's out there often. This time Abby seemed interested. So we walked over. Abby, of course, was shy at first but the little girl is quite outgoing so she took the lead. They played for over an hour and ended up going into her house and having a mini play-date. It was awesome. It's nice to see Abby playing with another kid. She's so shy to start but always has a great time. I'd like to see her play with that little girl more but there always seems to be some excuse - nap time, too hot, too nervous to just go over there, too shy. She comes by her shyness honestly so I guess I need to make an effort as well.

The power went out this afternoon. We were sitting in the livingroom and there was a bang and then the power went out. It was actually a little concerning. Some of the electronics went out but not all. The stove, microwave, coffeemaker, TV and computer went off but the fridge, all the house lights and the laptop were still on. After a few confusing minutes of checking the breaker box and wandering around the house checking lights, all the power switched off. That's when we noticed the Emergency 911 vehicle and the police cruiser parked on the street with their lights flashing. Turns out, the house two down from us is putting in an addition on their house and they hit an electrical line. SaskPower came right away and within an hour, the power was back on. We were pretty worried that with all the problems (especially since the TV and the Mac weren't working) that some of our electronics were fried. The DVD player showed an error message. But once the power came back, the TV turned on, the Mac took a couple tries, but it turned on and the DVD player needed to be rebooted but it too came back. So all is well. And I even had time to make supper.

I've finally jumped on the Instagram bandwagon. I've seen these pictures all over Facebook and Twitter and I've always liked taking pictures and doing different effects with them so I downloaded it. I really like it. The only thing I don't like as much is the fact it's actually a sharing site. But I'm not following anyone and no one is following me so now one else can see my pictures. Mark tells me the photoshop program on the Mac can do this just as well. But does it work on my phone?! So here are some of my pictures...


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