Eat Poop Sleep

Isabelle started solid food awhile ago. I find she gets less cranky during the day when she has some cereal. So far, she's getting it twice a day. I'm going to start adding a few more things. She really likes her food. She gets angry from the time I take the spoon out of her mouth and put it back in! She's pretty messy too but that's all part of feeding a baby I guess.

Abby is improving on her quest to poop in the potty. It's a slow go but she's more willing now to "try" and sit and go. (Except today when she pooped in her panties) We're taking it slow and trying to be patient. She'll get it and someday we'll be done with all of this and look back and wonder why we were so concerned. I hope.

Isabelle's days of waking up only once (or twice) in the night is over. Now it's at least three times. Usually every other hour. It's getting kinda rough and yesterday my throat started getting sore and I had a big headache. I'm exhausted and no amount of coffee seems to work. I really hope it's just a growth spurt so she'll grow out of it and I can get some sleep. She still has her regular naps and if I throw on some TV shows for Abby, I can catch a bit of sleep on the couch. Abby is slowly giving up her afternoon nap. She always goes for a nap but rarely sleeps. However, she does stay in her room quietly for about an hour so I'm not complaining. It usually gives me time to clean up a bit, feed Isabelle and give her a bath.

Abby had her first taste of preforming today. She sang a couple songs with her MYC class on the Estevan United Way Telethon. And Mark and I got our first taste of watching our kids on stage. Yikes! I see now why people leave right after their kids are done. They had all the kids lined up behind the curtain and then decided to talk (forever!) about the things on auction and the (many) donations they had received. I was wondering how all those kids would stand being made to wait that long! But (finally) the curtains opened and the kids got to sing their song. Then they had a bunch of solos so the kids just stood quietly and waited for their turn again. And they actually waited really well. Abby sat down and bopped her head along with the music. One little girl put on a little dance show before a teacher got her to be quiet. I didn't get a very good picture but Mark got a video. Hopefully I can get him to put it up soon.

There has been a lot going on lately...too much to remember. Hopefully in the future, I can update more often but any down time I have is devoted to cleaning up the messes and (trying to) sleep. Maybe my next post will just be pictures.


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