My Buns are Hot
There's an old fairy tale that runs through my mind every time I bake buns. It's about a poor woman who works for a mean, rich lady. The story goes that the poor woman bakes the lady's bread everyday but when she finishes, she doesn't wash her hands. When she gets home, she's able to bake bread for her entire family with the dough that is left stuck to her hands. She's eventually found out when her children grow big and strong and yet the lady's children and small and thin. I can't remember how it ends, but I always think of this story as I'm kneading the bun dough and it takes me a good five minutes to pull all the dough off my hands.
There's something about making buns that gives me a real sense of accomplishment. It's challenging. It's hard work but I'm good at it. I am providing for my family and giving them food that we don't need to spend money on at the grocery store. And as someone who doesn't earn a paycheque, it helps. We're entering the summer season which means no paycheque from Mark either. So I've decided to finally do something I've been talking about for awhile. I'm going to start selling my buns, cinnamon buns and a few types of cookies. I have a hard time following through on things. Oh, I have lots of ideas but that's usually where they stay. So I took the leap. I put the word out on Facebook, and already got two orders. Mark is going to take a poster to work. I'm really nervous about it. I've never done anything like this before but if I don't, I'll never know how it could have been. I'd hate to have another idea that died in my dreams. So I'll take the chance. The worst thing that could happen is that it doesn't work out and I go back to baking for my family. Who knows, maybe it'll catch on and I'll be busy baking everyday!!