Happy Labour Day or The Return to Normalcy

And we’re back.  Back to school, back to activities, back to routine.  

My girls are now in Grade 4 and Grade 8.  This marks the last year that they will be in the same school.  The first few days are now out of the way and maybe some of the newness has worn off.  Those first few days are always so strange.  Everything is new and shiny.  It takes awhile for the shine to wear away.  Though I will say that one the very first day the bus broke down driving all the kids home from school.  Not the greatest start to the year but it could have been worse!

For me, nothing much changes.  I still go to work every day.  I will have to start taking the girls to their various activities once they start up.  They aren’t in too much, Girl Guides, curling, Taekwondo.  My oldest is going to start training in hairdressing with a high school club so that’s pretty exciting. She is interested in the whole cosmetology industry and the hairdressing teacher has asked if she is interested in joining the high school group.  She’s a bit young but it’s an amazing opportunity that she couldn’t pass up.  And it turns out that her Grade 8 teacher is a journeyperson hairdresser as well.  The stars have aligned.


It seems that every weekend I have this desperate need to make the most of it.  It’s like I can feel winter creeping closer and I need to squeeze out every opportunity to go outside or do something meaningful while I still can.  This weekend I have a whole list of things I want to get accomplished.  I feel like I should bake something.  I also need to stock up on some groceries  - and my youngest needs a new backpack.  Yep, in all the planning and getting ready for school I completely forgot that she broke her backpack last year.  


The rodeo was in town this weekend so we decided to go check that out. It was pretty fun - except for all the wasps (my husband got stung on his hand). The horses were awesome and the girls loved watching them all. 

We also watched the Labour Day Classic.  That’s always a fun tradition for the Labour Day Weekend.  It was a close game for most of it and too many flags for my liking. The Riders needed up losing 23-8 and I ruined the special dessert I had made so that was a bummer. Whomp-whomp. 

So what did I do? As soon as the game was over I drove to town to pick up another package of graham cracker crumbs in order to make another batch. Sweet success!



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