Mail Horror!

What a way to end a day. We got home Friday evening after a fun evening at Racks for a Hapnot Christmas Party. When Mark checked the mail, he noticed that there was quite a pile of mail. It included the Friday fliers, the mail that my mom sent us and two letters form the City. All the fliers and my mom's mail was fine, but the mail from the city said that we owed them over $1200 in taxes. AHH! You see, we pay our taxes with the mortgage, the bank takes care of it. And now there is this bill saying that we haven't paid it and there is a late penalty. AHH! Plus, there's a statement of increased taxes because of the renovations! AHH! So we went to the bank today to see what deal was. I remember getting a letter from the city in the summer about having to pay taxes. I went to the bank and they said that we are paying through the mortgage so not to worry, they will take care of everything. So today, the Loans Officer took one look at the two letters we got and said, "Oh, I know what this is, don't worry, we take care of this. You shouldn't even be getting this letter." But it turns out that after the appraisal of the house with the insurance work, there is an extra $155 that we have to pay. She said we should go to City Hall and see what the deal is with that. But not to worry about the taxes. WHEW! So anyway, after that, we spent the rest of the day in a sort of happy calm mood.

My job has been going really well. I'm telling ya, it's a lot more complicated that any other job I've had but I feel like I'm picking it up faster than I have any other job I've started. I do a lot of invoicing, getting work orders together and updated and other office jobs. It's fun. The people there are really nice and we all seem to get along. I haven't had to make coffee yet, they said that might be one of my jobs but someone always gets there before me and puts on a pot. I think it's for the best. I've never actually made coffee before. I know, over a year working at Tim Horton's and I've never learned to make a real pot of coffee. Just rip open the bag and hit the button. Then pour. and pour. and pour. Oh well, they didn't hire me for my coffee making expertise and I'm sure I'll get it one day!


Anonymous said…
Cool, cool, cool Emily! Love your blog. I read it about twice a day. I hope you keep it up. I think you are a great writer. I am not at all, what-so-ever biased in any way.

Love ya- Faith

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