Deep Freeze
It's 6:00 and there is still light in the sky. Yeah! The days are getting longer again. Good. It makes up for the hideous cold we've been having lately. On Friday, my car wouldn't start. The plug has been filled with snow but I always thought it was plugged in right. Well, apparently it wasn't. So when it's -36, the car doesn't start. Thankfully Mark drove me to work. I was only a few minutes late. The only good thing is that there was no wind so -36 felt like -36. Yesterday however, it wasn't as cold, but there was a wind so it felt colder. Hopefully the cold snap breaks and we can go back to normal weather. Most people around here don't remember it being this cold. And well, we missed all the storms. We heard stories about the blizzards around us. People getting stuck in stores and spending the night. People walking 200 yards to their house and freezing to death. It seems like everyone has a blizzard story. I'm just glad that we missed ti all. I can deal with cold, you just stay inside and dress warm, but a blizzard is scary.