Weekend News
On Friday we were invited over for a supper party. We stuffed ourselves with turkey and vareniki and then we all went to the Bomber game. We were all wondering who the Bombers were playing and no one knew the answer. Then at the game, the visitors skated out and all I could see was the red and white and I knew right away-it was Weyburn. For a second I was tempted to switch sides but then I remembered that I never really liked the Red Wings. So I was fine. We ended up losing but it was still fun. On the Weyburn's jerseys, they have the different local businesses and Mark asked if I recognized any of them. There were a few like Prairie Agencies and Hoiums MVP Sports. So that was kinda neat. After the game, we went back to their house and played a game call Things. Someone poses a scenario like what not to say to a pregnant woman. And everyone writes something down and hands them in. Then the judge has to match the statements to the person they think wrote it. You get points if you can correctly match the statement to the person. I did quite well. You just have to know how the person speaks, what words they use and how far they would push the limits.
On Sunday, we went ice fishing. That was a lot of fun too. We loaded up the ski-doos and went to the
Oh yeah, we did catch some fish. Mark and I both caught small jacks but the guys got some nice big yummy fish. The one Bill caught a 20 inch pickerel and the other Bill caught one 25 inches long. But he had to throw that one back. After a certain size, they don't taste as good and then you wan them in the water so they make lots of babies that will grow that big too. There are laws about it too but basically you do it so we can keep fishing. There are no Conservation Officers out there anyway. But you have to throw it back quick or the eyeballs freeze and then explode. Gross. But now our freezer is stocked again!
Plus, last night, we started making wine. Most of Mark's friends make their own wine. I'm starting to get into red wine so we decided it's cheaper just to make it ourselves. It works out to about $2.50 a bottle this way. Now we have to wait a week until we can do anything next. It takes 4 weeks to make a bottle. Wish us luck!