Diesel Delights!

I just got back with talking with the pastor at the church that one of our friend goes to. I'm going to be playing piano for them for a few Sundays. Not this next one, but the next two. It shouldn't be too hard but I'm a little nervous entering a church I'm not used to and playing songs for them that I'm not too familiar with. So wish me luck!

Work has been going alright considering our circumstances. For those not familiar with the story, it goes something like this...
Year end is supposed to be Jan 31, but we're a little late. And it doesn't help that we are switching accounting software. From stupid Business Vision (BV) to better Simply Accounting (SA). So anyway, we can't enter anything new in BV because we can't enter anything past Jan 31 in that program. But we can't enter anything into SA because we haven't finished our year end so we can't use the Feb dates yet. This month has been in limbo. We've had to keep all our records manually and we're waiting for year end to be complete so we can roll-over to the next year before we enter anything new (February stuff). My job is billing and receiving payments. All invoices have to done up manually and all payments must be written down so we don't forget to enter them later. Oh, and we can't forget the actual date so we can put it in right when we finally do get it into the computer. We had been waiting to do the invoices in SA but it was going to be too long of a wait so today, I wrote up over 20 invoices, not to mention the ten I did yesterday. Last night I dreamt about writing up invoices. I couldn't sleep half the night, and the other half, I was writing up invoices. At 3:00am, I thought it would be a good idea to go to the office and get some invoices done. Then I remembered that it was 3:00am and I should just lie back and go back to sleep. But it should be any day now that we roll-over. Good. Then I just have to get used to a new program and I'm set.

So I'm a little tired now. It doesn't help that the business next door is being renovated so the four diesel trucks parked outside idle all day and fill our office with diesel fumes. It never used to bother me. I remember in Weyburn, living across from a house who had at least one truck idling all night. I used to fall asleep to the sound of a idling diesel truck. But now the fumes, it makes me sick and I can't think as well. Then one of the guys walked in after rolling around in gas and oil. We sent him outside. There is too much work to do to be hopped up on fumes.

I realize that most of this blog has been a giant complaint about work but it's really not that bad. Yeah, it's stressful and tiring but it's still better than the best day at Tim Horton's. I don't have to deal with the constant stream of customers demanding coffee. And I feel like I am helping. I'm getting good and knowing what the guys are looking for before they ask for it. They'll want something and kinda trail off, so I go get it. And I'm good at finding old info. Today, someone needed info on a job back in 2004, and I found it no problem. And yesterday, they needed info about a fireplace sold in 2000, and right away, I found it. It makes me feel good when I can do my job.

So, that should do for blogging for awhile. I hope. Maybe I'll spend the rest of the evening watching TV, or playing banjo (I didn't get a chance last night) or maybe I'll go to bed. Who knows. Mark is at the school working on his table. Well, everyone have a good night!


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