Small Town

Usually because I work in the Court Office, I get all the news first. I like it this way, I like to be in the know. Anyway, there was some big news about a week ago. I told Mark about it Friday and by Monday, told me that my info was wrong. Turns out the Mark's friend is really close to the RCMP who actually investigated it. He told the friend and the friend told Mark. I had to wait to get to work before I found out the truth. It's not fair. Here I am supposed to know this info and Mark knows before me. I'm actually getting more info from Mark than I am at work! Small town.

So everything is going well. We're being trained at work for a new computer program. We worked until 8:00pm last night. I was tired. But yet, I could not fall asleep. I was laying in bed at 11:00pm wide awake. I'm sure tonight I'll sleep better.

Mark is going away hunting next week. He's going for almost a week this year. Last year he only went for a few days. He's getting all his gear together. Once he gets back, he's going to build an ice shack. I'm very excited for that. Then we can go fishing anytime we want and we can be nice and cozy. A few guys are building it together so we'll share it. Now it just has to get really cold and not snow. That way the ice is good. There's a small dusting of snow on the ground now. That's good for now.


Anonymous said…
Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!

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