Just When You Think...
...You got it all figured out...
I was doing great. I had all the photos in the right folders and the videos were set up. I even had individual folders for each month. I had all the pictures sorted and ready to go to Walmart and get developed. So I was upstairs and I remember taking more pictures than I had on the card. And then I remembered the awesome video I took of Abby. She was sitting at her high chair, eating supper when her eyelids just got too heavy and she fell asleep. It was so cute. It took her almost a minute of head bobbing before she finally found her spot and fell asleep. I had such a hard time not laughing!
So I searched the files, the videos, the IPhotos, the trash can. Nothing. I think, in my haste to transfer all the pictures to their rightful folders, I erased a whole grouping of recently taken pictures. Including the video. Crap. There was even a picture of how long Abby's hair has gotten. Well, that can be done again. But that awesome video of her falling asleep is gone for good. Boo.
I can't help to think what would have happened if I never had a video camera. I would have watched her slowly fall asleep and giggled at it and then moved on with my life. Now I'm disappointed because the technology that improved things has made me sad. I mean, I can find pictures form 6 years ago but I can't find a picture taken a few days ago. Oh well, such is life. Guess I'll have to be more careful next time. Poop.