Some Good News then Some Bad News then Some Good News

Oh boy, where to begin.

On the 9th, we packed up the truck and drove to Yorkton. It was hunting week and Mark decided that he wanted to hunt with his brother-in-law so we all went and I could spend time with my sister-in-law and her baby. So while the boys were out trying to kill something, we made cards or hung around and talked. He sister-in-law, with her baby came over. All of the kids are within 6 months of each. I hope they can be good friends when they grow up. This week however, they were scared of each other and cried if they made eye contacts. Oh well, next year. They finally did get a deer - a buck and a doe (Mark got the doe). We even went into Regina for a day of shopping and met up with Mark's parents. We had a nice visit with them and then it was back to home and back to work. I had a really busy week. Court, four days out of the five. And long days with lots to do.

On Monday, we found out that our babysitter got a job. A full time job. So began the mad search for a new sitter. It was such a problem finding her to begin with. No one wanted to look after a child with a mother who had such a varied schedule like mine. And Abby really liked her and her kids. So that was a horrible way to start the week. So I made inquiries and so did Mark. I asked all the members at the RCMP and Mark asked all the teachers. I must have phoned nearly 10 people and heard that everyone is full. On Wednesday, I got home for a late lunch break (court was on) and found an email from Mark that he forwarded from a colleague. I decided what the heck, and gave her a call. She's got a spot and doesn't mind my schedule. We're going to meet her tomorrow.

And that brings us to today. It started with a friend at work wondering if I had heard about what was going on across town. At that point SWAT wasn't there yet so we were very concerned about our guys. The worst part is that I was there, in court, two weeks ago when this same man was sentenced to a CSO (house arrest) for threatening another woman. And that's all I feel comfortable saying about that.

Then it was time for court. I was a short day much a really difficult one. There was a sexual assault sentencing today. All I feel comfortable saying that he was sentenced. Then, back in the office, I had him signing some paperwork when he made some comments. I had to stand their politely and pretend that I didn't want to punch him in the face. After he left, I wen t into one of the meeting rooms and cried for a few minutes. Then I got back up, washed my face and went back to work. After some time, word came that the standoff was over. My boss and I went for a coffee. I would have preferred a big glass of wine but beggars can't be choosers.

And that leaves me with my last news. See, good then bad but always end with the good...
I am going to Winnipeg for training!! That means hotel room and free food, but best of all...SHOPPING!!!! I'm gonna get shoes, and sunglasses (Abby got a hold of mine) and cloths and who knows!!! I don't to buy the new Arrogant Worms CD (bought it in Regina) but I'm sure I can find something I need. However, my hours are getting cut back so I can only work court days now which means whatever I learn, I probably won't be able to put to any use. Oh well, you know what can cheer me up? Room service!!!!

P.S. There is a comment on the CBC article about the cops not barging in. I, for one, am glad they didn't. They didn't know what weapons he may have and because of his job, this man has access to explosives. You really want to rush that?


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