Need Some Help
18 to 24 months
Her vocabulary may include as many as 200 words now, many of which are nouns. Between 18 and 20 months, children learn words at a rate of 10 or more a day. Some learn new words every 90 minutes, so watch your language. She'll even string two words together, making basic sentences such as "Carry me." By the time she's two, she'll use three-word sentences and sing simple tunes. Her sense of self will mature, and she'll start talking about herself -- what she likes and doesn't, what she thinks and feels. Pronouns may confuse her, and you may catch her avoiding them, saying "Baby throw" instead of "I throw."-
Abby is 20 months old ans she's not even close. She's still stuck on Mommy, Daddy, Abby, Dee Dee, Ta too (for thank you), hi, yeah, no, and a whole lot of ugg, uhh, baa, and so on. But she can sing along to Twinkle Twinkle and other songs. When did your kids start talking?
Her vocabulary may include as many as 200 words now, many of which are nouns. Between 18 and 20 months, children learn words at a rate of 10 or more a day. Some learn new words every 90 minutes, so watch your language. She'll even string two words together, making basic sentences such as "Carry me." By the time she's two, she'll use three-word sentences and sing simple tunes. Her sense of self will mature, and she'll start talking about herself -- what she likes and doesn't, what she thinks and feels. Pronouns may confuse her, and you may catch her avoiding them, saying "Baby throw" instead of "I throw."-
Abby is 20 months old ans she's not even close. She's still stuck on Mommy, Daddy, Abby, Dee Dee, Ta too (for thank you), hi, yeah, no, and a whole lot of ugg, uhh, baa, and so on. But she can sing along to Twinkle Twinkle and other songs. When did your kids start talking?
My cousin and my sister didn't say a word until they turned two and then just started talking and talking well. Every kid is different. It would be a different story too if she wasn't saying any words at all. You know she's capable of making sound, forming words, etc. so I wouldn't be stressed.
Annnnd, I've seen that little girl. Those wheels are turning. There is a genius at work underneath and behind those still-closed lips. Every child works at a different rate. My two were completely different and no two babies are alike. These books give you "guidelines", yes, but they can drive you crazy and are not always congruent to reality. If anything, those books are just the spring board to give some parents bragging rights, which is not cool, and I'll be the first to tell you NOT to listen to them, just follow your own maternal gut instinct.
And to me, Abby seems like a Soaker Upper. My boss' older boy was/is like that. He's talking much more now (and 'tis true boys and girls learn at just as different rates), but before that, you could just see the look in his eyes that told you he was just taking it all in. Just taking all that the world had to offer just then and simply making a deduction.
Same as Abby. The way she plays, interacts, engages, disengages, looks at you, looks at others around her, you can just TELL she's just soaking up the world around her right now. The wheels are turning. And she'll talk when she's dang good and ready, such is her personality already.
Besides, I wouldn't push the talking thing too hard because once they start, they don't stop! Trust me, I KNOW!!! Aaaaack!