What's New(s)

Seriously CBC, get all the facts before you write up a story. Now you have a province and perhaps a country with their panties in a twist over something they don't understand. The headline read "Saskatoon schools go easy on plagiarism." First, it's not just Saskatoon, it's Saskatchewan. And second, they are not going easy on plagiarism and late assignments or other behavioural issues. It's in how the schools (teachers) are doling out the consequences. If I understand this correctly (after being informed by my teacher husband) the fact that you plagiarised your book report does not accurately reflect on how much (or not) you know. It just shows that you are a lazy sad sack who has no morals and cheated. (Oh Susan, I miss your beginning of the year rant on plagiarmism. It scared the poop out of me everytime and I had no intention of cheating) So instead of reflecting that in your marks - automatic zero - you have a different consequence -repeat the assignment and detention. Or something like that.

And yet CBC has no mention of this. No, they would much rather publish something sensational and get everyone upset and fearing for our future! I should really know better and yet I got sucked up in the story too. All I could think of was what our students are going to face once they make it to university (if they even make it at all!) It just ticks me off because now we have a province under attack thinking we are not dealing with the issues of plagiarism and lazy teaching. What we really have is a case of lazy reporting.

On a less contentious note, on Sunday, Abby started Treasure Seekers. It's the Sunday School program for 2-3 year olds. I was really nervous about leaving her. She seems so young for two (She won't be two until Friday). She can't really talk and she's still in diapers. Can she handle it? So before church started, we took her over and signed her in. She bawled as we left. As I rounded the corner, I could still hear her. But once the service started, I relaxed. After all, she is in an age appropriate place where she can have a snack, make a craft and do other toddler things, Mark and I can actually pay attention to the message and those around us are not distracted by a little girl constantly asking for a cookie or something to play with. So after all that, she did great. She had fun, was a bit shy, but had a big smile on her face when we went to pick her up. My baby is growing up!!


Tanya said…
Chloe started Sunday school this year too. I cried the first week. Can't believe how fast babies grow up!
I hope Abby enjoys it!

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