Thanksgiving Weekend

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We've had a pretty good weekend. Abby is still a bit under the weather but she is still happy and playing.

We drove to Winnipeg on Saturday morning. It was fairly uneventful. We did take a wrong turn but it took us to the same spot anyway and it was a good highway too. So I guess that was our adventure! Once we got into Winnipeg, we checked in and went to visit Grandpa. We had supper with him in his building. Then we visited for awhile and said goodnight. Grandpa was getting tired and so was Abby. She didn't have a nap int he truck so she had an early bedtime. After she fell asleep, we turned the TV back on until it was time for us to sleep. But we didn't sleep very long. Abby woke up around 4am and decided it was time to play. So we did. Around 6am or so, she got tired again and fell asleep stretched over me. I decided that was a good idea and closed my eyes for a couple hours. Mark however, stayed awake the rest of the morning. Eventually it was time to get up and go over to get Grandpa for breakfast. He hopped up in the truck (pretty impressive actually) and we drove to Perkins. We ate and talked for awhile and then it was time to go. It was a long drive back. Abby only slept for 30 minutes and that was the last 30 minutes of the drive.
(We never made it to the music store. It didn't open until noon and we didn't feel like driving all through the city just to wait in the parking lot for an hour)

This morning, we went outside. Mark put up the Christmas lights and Abby and I played with her new slide. (A friend of Mark's dropped it off for Abby - awesome) At first, she was a little unsure, but she loves it now. Then we raked all the leaves and played some more. Good morning. Now we're just starting supper. Roast bison. Should be good!


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