Ups and Downs
Our new new dishwasher finally arrived. Mark picked it up after work and installed it last night. It works like a charm. For now. I hope. So one table saw to go. Mark ordered it on October 1st. It arrived in Regina on the 26th. They tried to deliver it but we weren't home. So the next week they couldn't deliver it because they need a special truck to do it. So there it sat. And sat and sat. Yesterday, the delivery company gave it to Jay's. So I waited. I waited until it was time to go to Toddler Time (we were late) and yet it didn't come. It never left Regina. But that was yesterday.
Today, I had a dentist appointment. I have a bad wisdom tooth. It gets infected and very sore. SO I went to the dentist so see if he thought I should have it out. I dropped off Abby at the babysitter and away I went. It was snowing so I took it slow. By the time I got there I was a little nervous. I think he realized that and he was a little hesitant to pull it but I told him I wanted it over with. So he pulled the one that was bothering me and the one on top too. It was growing too far out and would have become a problem.
Here's me shortly after. For lunch I had two bowls of soup and some ice cream. All the swelling has gone down now and it doesn't hurt that bad. I've taken some Advil but more out of precaution than out of need for pain relief. So I guess that's an up.

I made two cards this week. One for my parent's anniversary and one for my sister's birthday. Well, today in the mail, they came back. They needed 8 more cents. There's a downer. It's my parents anniversary today (at least I called last night). I'll see my mom this Saturday so I guess late is better than never. And my sister is out of town so maybe I'll still get it to her in time.
Here's a random picture of Abby....
Today, I had a dentist appointment. I have a bad wisdom tooth. It gets infected and very sore. SO I went to the dentist so see if he thought I should have it out. I dropped off Abby at the babysitter and away I went. It was snowing so I took it slow. By the time I got there I was a little nervous. I think he realized that and he was a little hesitant to pull it but I told him I wanted it over with. So he pulled the one that was bothering me and the one on top too. It was growing too far out and would have become a problem.
Here's me shortly after. For lunch I had two bowls of soup and some ice cream. All the swelling has gone down now and it doesn't hurt that bad. I've taken some Advil but more out of precaution than out of need for pain relief. So I guess that's an up.

I made two cards this week. One for my parent's anniversary and one for my sister's birthday. Well, today in the mail, they came back. They needed 8 more cents. There's a downer. It's my parents anniversary today (at least I called last night). I'll see my mom this Saturday so I guess late is better than never. And my sister is out of town so maybe I'll still get it to her in time.
Here's a random picture of Abby....
