Called It

This is Saturday morning. This is what we woke up to. When we went to sleep on Friday night, it was raining and really, really windy. We could hear the rain/sleet/snow hitting the bedroom window. When we woke up, we couldn't see out the window...covered in bits of tree and ice. Our backyard is covered in broken branches...small ones thankfully, but lots of them.

Last night I got a call asking if I could fill in last minute for music at church. I guess the piano player was stuck out of town and couldn't get back. I said okay. (I can never say no) I was a little nervous, I didn't know some of the songs and one of the ones I did know, I never really liked. Plus, I wasn't too sure if I was going to be able to get out of the driveway. I left early, practise was at 8:30. It took 15 minutes to dig the truck out of the snow and to psych myself up for the trip out of the driveway. Well, getting out of the driveway was the easy part. The roads were horrible. I had the truck in 4x4 but it was still a challenge. The ruts were two feet deep in places and it was all ice. Everything. Everywhere. When I did manage to avoid the ruts, I was still driving diagonally. Along the way, I saw a big pine tree laying on it's side in someone's front yard. When I got closer, I could see it snapped off the top of the tree in the yard. Yikes. When I got to the church, I wasn't too sure where to park. So I parked in the far corner where there was no snow. Oh, it was covered in a nice sheet of ice, but no snow. I waited, and waited. Finally someone showed up with a key. So the two of us went in and I practised a bit. Then I wandered around for a bit, Then I practised some more, wandered. Then the guy got a call, church was cancelled. There was no way the parking lot would be ready (they finally started when I left - around 9:00). And it was slow going at best. There is just so much snow, and thick, heavy snow. I had already told Mark not to come with Abby to church. (When I play, I go early to practise and we finish around 9:30, so I go home and go back with Mark and Abby but today I didn't want to drive back and forth so I told him to stay home). So I got to make the trip back by mmyself. Almost got stuck a couple times, swore like a sailor, but I made it.

So instead of going to church, we stayed home and made cookies. Abby ran laps around the kitchen and didn't have a nap. (She didn't even have a cookie!) All in all, an interesting day with a fairly good ending.
P.S. Abby loves to count. She will count anything. And she's pretty good. She can count up to 6. The problem is that she starts at 3. A typical count sounds like this...."Free, four, fye, see, four, fye, FREE!" Or she'll just say 3 and 4 over and over and end on 6. But most of the time it's in order. We just got to get her to learn 1 and 2!