Happy Mother's Day

I think yesterday was my Mother's Day. We had a great day minus one event. But I'll get to that later.

The day started great. There were blue skies and it was so warm out. We were all playing in the backyard when Mark suggested we go for a walk. So we walked over to a park but it was too wet to play in. But the walk was nice and Abby splashed in all the puddles along the way. She loves splashing. Whenever she sees a puddle, she yells Splash! and stomps around in the water. While we were walking in the park, Abby took a different path. So we called to her to come back and join us. Well, she took a short cut through the grass and that's when she stepped in a deep puddle. She stopped half way through - almost lost her boot and got a boot full of water. Awww, her first booter. We had the stroller along in case she got tired but she wanted to continue walking. We took off her socks so she walked in bare feet in boots. I didn't think that would be too comfy but she was determined to keep walking. While we were walking back home, Abby stopped to pick up rocks. She must have picked up every decent sized rock she found and give them to me to hold on to. It was kinda cute and made the walk three times longer, but really, it was a beautiful morning and I was glad to be outside.

When we got home, we didn't feel like going inside. I saw in the paper that there was a garage sale so we drove over to check it out. It was the third day for the garage sale so most of the good stuff must have sold already because there was nothing good when we got there. So we drove over to the Farmer's Market. There was a meat truck there and Mark bought some ground beef, some sausages and hamburgers. It's BBQ season now!

Back at home, Abby was playing nicely on her own. At least that's what I thought. Turns out she emptied her drawer and threw her clothes all over her room. Arg. But it did give me a good chance to go through her clothes and put away anything too small. So no real harm done. Then it was time for lunch and nap. I'm not too sure if there was any sleeping but she was quiet for a little while. Until.....

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you will be familiar with the many trials of Abby's digestive system, namely that she gets constipated a lot and it sucks. Well, I had been feeding her bran muffins and prune and apple juice concoctions for that last few days. Good news, she's not constipated anymore. Bad news, prune juice smells even worse coming out than it does going in. And that's saying quite a bit. I know everyone has their own poop horror story and for the longest time, I haven't really had one. I've changed some nasty diapers but I could never really decide on a number one worst diaper ever. That all changed yesterday. I went in to get Abby after her nap. There she was...surrounded by the contents of her drawer (again, arg!) and smelling to high heaven. No, worse. Like a barn full of pigs who have rolled around in poop and prune juice. Like a cow who ate rotten eggs and then pooped them on the floor. And poured prune juice all over it. And poop. Worst. Diaper. Ever.

Mark and I started wiping her off but after a couple attempts at holding back my lunch (and I'm usually the one who doesn't have a problem) we decided that this wasn't working. We got the majority of her clean and then threw her in the tub. By the time we finally got her all rinsed off, she was not a happy little girl. So we filled the tub with warm, clean water and let her play. That gave me a chance to refold and reput away all her clothes. Again.

Some pictures...

Abby loves to splash
Our backyard. All the flowers are growing. The tulips in the front yard have bloomed.

Our walk yesterday


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