The Long Weekend
Well, it's finally here, the May Long Weekend. I am glad to see it. Even though it's supposed to rain for the whole weekend. I am finally feeling better after a weird couple of days with a cold. I felt so tired all day. I actually had a nap after Toddler Time on Tuesday. But I guess it was because I was fighting a cold. I must have won because the old never got too bad but in the process of fighting it, I ended up going to bed at 9:00pm on more than one occasion. But I'm all better now and looking forward to a good weekend. My parents are coming for a visit tomorrow so I'll have to do a quick clean up in the morning. It will be nice to see them again. It's been awhile and plans to visit have fallen through a few times. I really hope the rain doesn't ruin anything. Abby's favourite thing to do now is to go for walks. When we got home this morning from doing errands, all she would say was, "No home. Walk!" So we went for a quick walk around the block. Good thing too because a couple hours later and it was raining. On Wednesday we walked to the playground and played on the swings and the big slide. I have pictures and a short video but it will have to wait. Mark and I are going to go and watch our Thursday shows. It was the Season Finale of The Mentalist and apparently, Jane meets Red John. Cue suspenseful music.....