Happy 600th Post!
Wow, the 600th post...
I guess I'll start on Thursday. It was Mark's birthday. We dropped off Abby at the sitter's early and took a drive to run some errands. It was getting close to lunch time so we decided to go the Black Grasshopper for lunch. I had never been in there before but Mark had once. It's more of a pub than a restaurant but they have good food too. They are famous for their wings on Wednesday nights. I told the waitress that it was Mark's birthday and asked if she could get him anything but unfortunately, they don't do anything for birthdays. Boo. But lunch was nice. After work, I took Mark and Abby to the Co-op. Yes, my great idea for birthday supper was taking Mark to the Co-op. Yeesh, I should have been on Corner Gas. But it didn't turn out so great. (Would have made a great episode!) All the games/rides were too big for Abby, it was super hot out, we didn't spend enough money to qualify for an equity cheque and Mark started feeling ill. So we headed for home without even getting a hot dog (which you had to pay $3 for). I ended up heating up leftovers. I didn't even get him a cake because we were having company the next night and I was saving it for the joint birthday supper. So the only redeeming part of the day was the lunch..and that was Mark's idea
We had a great visit with our company. Mark's sister and her husband along with their two kids came for a visit. We had good weather so the kids played outside quite a bit. Abby, of course, was obsessed with helping with the baby. And now, she plays with an imaginary baby. We did some garage sailing - saling? (I got an imitation Burberry bag for $3) and went to the Farmer's Market. I have lots of pictures but they are on Facebook for your viewing pleasure.
So this week is kind of a recovery/gearing up week. Next week we are going to Minot. News has been mixed whether or not it is safe. The mayor and city police (and common sense) are all telling me that it is fine, that there have been no reports of vandalism or anything of the sort. But other people, hearsay and the scary little voice in the back of my mind have stressed that there are angry people lurking and those who have had their tires slashed are being refused service at the gas stations and cannot even turn to the police for help. Jeez, and I was just starting to get excited about it! Too bad we didn't keep our old Manitoba licence plate - we could have swapped them out once we crossed the border. But we aren't planning on going for another week, so maybe things will have settled by then and they'll realize just how much they miss our money. But to be safe, if I haven't posted in a few weeks, please organize a small militia to come rescue us. Avoid the authorities at all costs - trust no one!
And now for something completely different.... This is Abby showing off Baby Katie.....She's imaginary so don't squint too hard, you'll just end up with a headache.

P.S. I bought an awesome cake for the joint birthday party and Mark got a tub of Coffee Crisp ice cream. He does have a gift coming but I ordered it on the same day as his birthday so it might take awhile.