Why I Love Summer.....
1. You don't have to wear shoes. Have to go get the paper in the morning? You just walk out there and grab it. Have to let the dog out at night? Just go. No spending ten minutes putting on extra clothes in order to walk three feet. Ahh, warm concrete on the toesies.
2. Tanned legs. Nothing makes me happier to see that at least my legs still look good.
3. Pretty flowers. Even Mother Nature loves Summer.
4. A good ol' fashioned playground. With a swing and a slide for some good ol' fashioned fun!
5. Fires. The good kind. The contained kind. The kind that pops and crackles. And heats marshmallows to just the right temperature where they are crunchy and bubbled on the outside and gooey and sweet on the inside. Eat them as s'mores, eat them alone, it's all good!
6. Snuggling in a towel after a fun round of splashing in a pool. First you're too hot, then you're too cold then...ahhhh, just right!
Yep, life is pretty good.
P.S. All pictures here were taken either last night (flowers) or today (park and pool) What a day. I'm exhausted!