Weekend Update

We watched the Big Game last week. I have to say though, it's hard to know when to take a bathroom break when you're watching the commercials just as carefully as the game. Here are my highlights:
The big song/dance number from NBC was awesome!! Loved it.
The Audi Vampires - started off slow and I thought it was dumb until they started vapourising. Hilarious
The Pepsi commercial with Elton John started promising but sometimes throwing money at something doesn't make it better...just more expensive.
The Hyundai cheetah was pretty good
The Silverado apocalyptic world was kinda funny
I really liked the Bridgestone commercial with the sleeping baby. Gotta get me some of those tires!!
And of course no Superbowl is complete without the Budweiser Clydesdales!
Oh, and I liked the dog bribing the guy with the Doritos. And speaking of dogs, the dog who took up exercising in order to fit through the doggy door to chase the car was pretty funny too. My dog should have watched that one.
The Coke polar bears were kinda cute. The fumbling one was pretty good but I still have a beef with the fact there were penguins in it. Maybe they were just trying to show how loud the sound was that even penguins (who only LIVE IN THE SOUTH POLE) heard it.
And the best commercial of them all - Ferris Beuller's (new) Day Off. It was awesome. Especially when the valet parker takes his car for a joyride. Best Commercial Ever. Too bad it was for such a crappy car. Oh well.
Oh, and the Budweiser Platinum - not impressed. Speaking of not being impressed, who would have thought I was would be unimpressed with a shirtless David Beckham. But I was. Seriously, all it was was him spinning around in his underpants. Meh.
Other disappointments - etrade baby wasn't as good as I was expecting, and the Clint Eastwood blabbing on about how this is America's halftime was just uncomfortable. Maybe cuz I'm not American.

As for the game - It was interesting to see the differences in NFL and CFL. It make the game a lot different with that extra down. And I didn't know there were less people on the field. Abby was so excited to watch the game but she spent most of the time building forts from the couch cushions and sliding down on them. But she had fun. And she stayed up the entire game. And to watch a guy try so very hard NOT to get a touchdown. I get what he was trying to do, but it just seems so counterproductive to not go for as many points as you can get. Even his body wanted him to get the touchdown.

Halftime - I have to admit, I've never really liked halftime shows. They try to be so big and spectacular, they come off as impersonal and artificial. I did like the drum line and I really liked the giant screen/floor. That was kinda cool. But otherwise, meh.

As for this weekend... we drove to Regina to meet the guy who agreed to buy our boat. Everything went really smooth and everyone left happy. Then it was time for lunch at our favourite spot - Wendy's! It was delicious. I always forget how much I like that place (boy am I pregnant!) We also got some Timbits and Mark got a coffee. We drove over to Evraz Place where the big Boat/RV show was going on. We looked/drooled over some really nice ones. Just need a little time to do some saving. Our next stop was Costco. We drove into the parking lot and drove right back out again. It was PACKED! And I was tired. And Abby hadn't had a nap. And there was nothing in there that we can't find somewhere else. Just the thought of walking through those door was exhausting so we stopped at Tim Horton's (a different one) for a bathroom break (another one) and a drink and off we went. Abby and I had a little nap. Now it's time to relax before tomorrow.

Lately all I want to do is eat and sleep. I took some granola bars to work so I would stop going to the vending machine every day. Yesterday, I took a container of grapes. I ate them all plus two granola bars. This may not seem like much but keep in mind, I only work for three hours a day. My next doctor's appointment is Monday. Hopefully everything is still progressing normally and I can settle in for an uneventful 9 weeks (or so). But I have noticed that the Braxton-Hicks contractions are getting a little painful lately. Counting the days.

Wow, just heard Whitney Houston died. Wow.


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