Laughter over Tears

Ever have one of those days where your own stupidity amazed you? Today is one of those days. But it ended happily so I can laugh about it now. And laughing I am!!

I decided that I would try and see if Isabelle would take a bottle. Abby never did and I always blamed that on not offering it to her when she was really little. So I hauled out the ol' breast pump. I took out all the pieces and soaked them in boiling water to clean them all. After waiting for them to dry, I started assembling it. Now, it's been awhile since I used it and I never used it very much since Abby wouldn't take a bottle anyway. So I was a bit rusty. I couldn't remember where a few parts went. I was really lost. So I looked at the directions and I realized I was missing a piece. The funnel like part that actually goes on the breast to suck the milk out. Super. I remembered that it was always a tricky thing to put all the pieces back in the box so maybe I put that part in a different spot. I looked through all my bags of pacifiers, bottles and other baby supplies. I searched the baby closet, I looked in the basement, I looked in the kitchen cupboards. Nothing. Crap. Well, there's more than one way to milk a cow. (Ugg)

Oh, and Abby "helped" me look. Basically she followed me around asking me what I was doing, every two seconds. I was already a little upset that I lost this pivotal piece so her constant barrage of questions didn't exactly calm me. I figured in order to distract her, I'd pop a movie into the laptop. She decided she wanted Dora. Well, it wouldn't work on the laptop so we moved to the Mac. Won't load in there either. Then it wouldn't eject. So I had to restart (luckily the Mac isn't a piece of junk so it restarts quickly) and I got the wrecked DVD out and replaced it with Thomas and Friends. Good.

Finally I had a chance to sit in my chair to get down to business.So I grabbed the bottle and started to hand express right into the bottle. (BTW, I have a new respect for dairy cows) I took a few deep breaths and focused on Isabelle before any milk finally came. Twenty minutes and two sore boobs later, I got a whopping 1/2 oz of milk. But that's okay, this is just a test to see if Isabelle will even take a bottle (she's sleeping at the moment). Then Abby said she wanted a sandwich (she likes sandwiches for snacks) so I made her one. I realized all the pump parts were still sitting around so I started to put them all away. That's when I found the missing piece. Right beside the box. With all the other pieces. Just sitting there. Smiling at me (I swear). Now it be fair, it is transparent. So I burst out laughing and Abby gave me a funny look. She ran over and gave me a big hug. All is well. Ever have a running Abby hug? It's awesome. Nothing makes you feel like everything is right in the world like a full on running Abby hug.

So now I'm just waiting for it to get sanitized before I go for round two. If Isabelle doesn't drink it all down, I'm going to laugh some more!!


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