What a Day!!
Wow, yesterday was a big day...but before we get there...
Monday was my 6 week check up. I usually get morning appointments but my doctor had a conference in the morning so I was bumped to the afternoon. I didn't think that would be a problem because if he only started after lunch, then there wouldn't be much of a chance for him to get backed up and the wait wouldn't be that bad. When a friend offered to watch Abby, I almost said no since I didn't think it would be that bad. Wowzers. My appointment was 2:10. I got home at 4:45. Isabelle had a nap and played for most of that time. She cried for awhile - especially during the appointment since she couldn't see me. But it went well. She is healthy and she's now 11.2 lbs. I am healing nicely. All is well. We are normal.
Mark has a student who raises cattle. Awhile back, he told him he'd buy a half a beef the next time they were butchering. The meat arrived this week. We were trying to eat as much food out of the freezer to make room. We only had a couple boxes of chicken breasts and a couple boxes of wings so I figured that was good. Our freezer is a small one - 9 cubic feet. After we loaded all the food, the freezer is filled to the top, the freezer in the fridge is full and we had to eat wings that night. So far, we've had a roast in the slow cooker and we BBQed another roast yesterday.
And that brings me to yesterday. Mark's parents came last night to help put in our new windows (The girls' room and ours'). Mark started early yesterday morning but we had to stop to run some errands. There was a city wide garage sale so the boys dropped us off at that. I got two pairs of sandals and two puzzles). I said hi to my neighbour who had a table there. Then we waited for the guys to get back from their errands and then we went to the mall, Home Hardware and Staples (to buy a new printer - ours finally died. It was about 10 years old. We (the girls) stayed in the truck while the boys went in to buy the printer. That's when I realized that I didn't have my phone anymore. I knew that I had it at the garage sale since I texted Mark to let him know we were done. So Mark called my phone but no answer. We had one more stop at Sobeys and Mark tried the phone again. And wouldn't you know it, my neighbour answered. Someone found my phone in the parking lot of the garage sale and scrolled through the Contacts List to see who the phone belonged to and found her name. And my neighbour recognized my kids on the screen. So we stopped by and I got my phone back! Whew. We back home in time for some lunch and the boys got to work putting the windows in. It went pretty smoothly - from what I could tell. Mark got a friend to help lift the big one. In a few weeks, the last two little windows are coming and then we'll be done for awhile.

Abby had a big day playing outside so when we were done and she asked to watch a movie, I put her on the computer and let her watch. A little while later, I went to check on her. She was curled up fast asleep. So cute.
Last night, when Abby went for her bath, her hair was stuck in the buttons on her shirt. We had been thinking about cutting her for summer so that sealed the deal. I don't know if it's just me, but she looks older now.