Top Ten Things I Love About My Daughter

1. Her giant smiles. She is so quick to smile at any face in her line of vision. And big, toothless smiles. With the occasional giggle.
2. Nothing fazes her. She puts up with anything (and everything, especially from her sister).
3. She is the stinkiest baby I have ever seen. While I may not technically love this about her, it is quite impressive. She can clear a room, I kid you not.
4. The way she sleeps. On her own. Anywhere. If she's tired, she'll go to sleep. Sure, a soother and a snuggle might make her go down faster, but she'll do it. And I can just set her in her crib at night while she's sleepy and I know she'll drift off on her own. Awesome.
5. Her curiosity. Although this might bite me in the butt later. She loves to look around and loves to see everything.
6. Her cubby cheeks. So yummy.
7. Her cooing. I swear she's trying to imitate sounds she hears.
8. How much she loves her bath. She'll sit and kick and grin from ear to ear.
9. When she sleeps with her mouth open. The one bad thing about a baby who sleeps on her own is that I don't need to hold her when she sleeps. I hardly get to see her in her sleep, with her mouth open and the occasional sleep sucking. And dream smiles.
10. She seems to know her family. She saves her biggest smiles for her Mommy and Daddy.


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