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I was holding my sweet, precious baby girl when a felt a few
rumbles on my leg. No problem I thought. Wouldn't be the first time she's
farted on me. Then came the smell. And then came the wet feeling on my leg. Oh
crap. Poop on my pants, poop on her clothes and yeah, a bit in her diaper. So
after I got her changed and a new pair of pants, I went back to my chair. I noticed that my sock felt sticky. I
looked down and sure enough, more poop. I can't wait for the day when my life
doesn't revolve around poop.
It's been awhile since I posted anything. School has started
but not before we got to make one more upgrade on the house. The kitchen sink
had been draining slowly for awhile and it finally decided to stop draining completely. The day
before Mark went back to work. Super. Mark spent all day replacing the pipes
and fixing previous screw ups. But he got it all done and we're back to normal.
And speaking of back to normal, Mark is back in the swing of things at work.
Abby starts her Fall Activities this week. She starts her piano lessons on
Tuesday. On Wednesday, she goes to Clubs at the church. And on Thursdays she
goes to the Storytime program at the library. And people ask me why I'm not
putting her in Pre-school!
This weekend my dad came to visit. Abby was over the moon!!
He spent hours playing her favourite game - sitting in the Jimmy and
pretending to drive. It's actually not that bad a game. All you really have to
do is sit there while she makes up the story.
Anyone else catch the last two football games? They were
both so awesome in such different ways. The first just because it was such a
blowout and no worries. The second just because it was so close and down to the
wire. Awesome. I heard someone ask what was worse, losing by 52 or losing by 1
on the last play? I follow a lot of the Riders on Twitter. It's kinda neat
because it gives you another perspective on these guys. They're not just
single-minded football players. You see another side. And it makes you feel
like you're actually friends with these people. So it's nice to see them win
and celebrate after a few weeks of disappointment. Next week we're playing in
Montreal. Going to be a tough one.
Well this week will be a busy one. Hopefully I'll remember
to keep you all posted.
P.S. Isabelle found her toes a few weeks ago. She's learning that they can go in your mouth. Yummy.