Isabelle just went through all the emotions known to man in the course of 60 seconds culminating with the discovery of her toes. She squealed with glee and then pooped in her pants.
She gazed deep into my eyes. Her eyes alight and pudgy arms outstretched to pull my face towards her. As she opened her mouth in expectation of a drooly kiss, she missed her mark and puked on my shirt.
Abby started Music for Young Children yesterday. It started off a bit rocky. She said she wanted to just stay home and then when we got there, she didn't want to get out of the truck. But she did and we went in. For the first few minutes, she didn't participate in any of the songs but after awhile, she warmed up and by the end she was singing and playing with the rest of the kids. I knew that as long as I didn't push her, she'd be fine. Luckily the teacher was very good and didn't push or make her join along. She just let her join when she was ready. The last thing I wanted to do was force her. The minute I do that, it's all over. Tonight is clubs. She has told me she's excited and then she says she wants to stay home. This might be a bit trickier since I'm not staying with her. But hopefully she'll remember all the fun she had last year and want to stay. Wish us luck!
Abby started Music for Young Children yesterday. It started off a bit rocky. She said she wanted to just stay home and then when we got there, she didn't want to get out of the truck. But she did and we went in. For the first few minutes, she didn't participate in any of the songs but after awhile, she warmed up and by the end she was singing and playing with the rest of the kids. I knew that as long as I didn't push her, she'd be fine. Luckily the teacher was very good and didn't push or make her join along. She just let her join when she was ready. The last thing I wanted to do was force her. The minute I do that, it's all over. Tonight is clubs. She has told me she's excited and then she says she wants to stay home. This might be a bit trickier since I'm not staying with her. But hopefully she'll remember all the fun she had last year and want to stay. Wish us luck!