For Every Action
Well, I had another post all written up about my reaction to the so-called War on Christmas. But in truth, I think there's been enough written about it to last until the end of the world (which may or may not be next week). What I will say is that nothing anybody says really matters to me. It may make me a bit sad, maybe a touch defensive but then one of my kids call, and it's back to real life. And I think the real danger in reacting defensively is that it turns to anger and you've just proven them right. So I will refer you to an article I read recently which I think makes a lot of sense. For this time of year or any.
It's a long sermon so I'll skip to the point...(but you should give the whole thing a read when you have some time.)
"Brothers and sisters don’t buy into the lie of the
War on Christmas; don’t believe that it’s the end of the world. Don’t
get caught up in a war that you have no business being a part of when
your calling is to be messengers of peace. The world has changed, and I
hate to be the guy who has to say it, but just like second temple
Judaism, it’s gone for good. Let’s not waste this Christmas by lamenting
over what was lost and instead embrace the new opportunities that God
has given us to be missionaries to our world. Merry Christmas to all and
Do not be afraid. We bring the world good news of great joy that will be for all the people."
So for every action, there need not be an opposite and equal reaction. Sometimes it's best to simply turn the other cheek.
P.S. I don't see why people are all bent out of shape over saying Happy Holidays anyway. Christmas is a holiday.