What's Up?

I just realized it's been a month since I last updated. A MONTH!! Wow. I used to use this blog (primarily) to keep my parents up to date with my life, share little funny stories that happen through the days/weeks and to ramble on (incoherently) in order to express (vent) my feelings. And show pictures of kids. Now I have Facebook. And Twitter. And the though of a long (rambling) entry just seems so daunting. And Facebook uploads pictures so well now. Even off my phone. I don't have to open the laptop and get settled in in order to update. I don't have to wait for Isabelle to fall asleep or Abby to start playing by herself. However, I found the Blogger app, so this my all change once I get familiar with it. I'd like to keep the blog going. Sometimes 140 characters is just not enough.

Isabelle has a nasty diaper rash. And I mean nasty. Yesterday it was bleeding so I put the diaper cream on it. Now it looks like the diaper cream was caked on. I'm pretty sure it's just scabbed over but it still kinda freaks me out. I'll keep an eye on it but if it doesn't improve soon, I'm taking her to the doctor.

Speaking of poop (and when do I not speak of poop), Abby is improving on her quest to poop constantly on the potty. Now she'll stand in the middle of the room, pull her shirt up (so it doesn't touch the poop) and push. I ask her if she's okay and if she needs to poop. She usually says no. Then I ask her to tell her me that when she's ready, we'll go to the potty. She says okay, I'll tell you. Then anywhere from 5 - 20 minutes later, she says it's time and we slowly walk to the bathroom and she poops. Today this happened 5 times. Wow. As annoying as the whole routine goes, I'm over the moon that she's willing and able to poop in the potty. We're back to where we were about a year ago. It's been a tough road but the light at the end of the tunnel is emerging. And I'm grateful.

A few weeks ago I had a frightening dream. I was giving Isabelle a bath when Abby came in to go pee. So I was helping her (my parents were visiting for some reason as well). I finished with Abby and when I turned around, Isabelle was under the water. I grabbed her and screamed (and I mean SCREAMED) for my mom. Then I woke up. Two nights ago I had a dream I was taking a bath and Isabelle was in the Bumbo behind me (in the tub). I looked back and the water was splashing over her head. I pulled her out of the water and I think she was okay but I can not get that feeling to go away. And it's silly because these are things I would never do in real life. First, I would never fill the tub that full. Second, I would never let go of her in the tub let alone turn my back on her. Third, I wouldn't take a bath with her and I'd never strap her the Bumbo in the tub. So why does this bother me so much?

Btw, I finished up this post on my new app on my phone. Success!!

And I added a photo!!


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