Two out of Four Ain't Good (UPDATED)

Here's the rundown on the rundown...

Mark: a cold. A bad cold. He's been tired and sneezy and achy and drippy and all around sick. It's been a couple days now. He had to miss work so you know it's bad. The fever is going away but he's still pretty run down. Hopefully it will have run it's course before the holidays begin.

Emily: so far unscathed save for another plugged duct. I swear I've lost track of how many times this has happened and I'm sick of it! The worst part of it is that the things that hurt it the most are the things you have to do I fix it - lots of nursing and deep massage. Ouchie! But no fever or chills.

Abby: hit hard. After her great day on Sunday, she woke up Monday with a cough, fever and general feeling of ickyness. We spent all day watching cartoons and dosing on the couch and I loaded up her with Tylenol. But as soon as the drugs wore off she was back to feeling gross. She slept pretty good last night but today was just as bad. If she doesn't get better soon I'll have to take her to the doctor. And if you know me at all (and if you're reading this you probably do) you'll know this is a big deal.

Isabelle: feeling good which is surprising considering the fact that Abby is constantly smothering her. And today I noticed two faint white bumps on her bottom gums. Finally!! (Side note: teething turns her poop weird. I'll spare you the details) So other than the (frequent) strange poops the only other thing is she's sleeping lots. Except at night - that's the same. I'm keeping an eye on her temperature but so far so good.

(UPDATE: Mark might be feeling better. My plugged duct is all better (still a little sore if a small child decides to jump on it) Abby still has a cough but the fever is gone (after Mark made an emergency trip to Sobey's to buy more children's Tylenol and a new thermometer). Isabelle woke up with a cough and feeling warm. She fell asleep almost right after breakfast before I could take her temperature. And I have forbid myself to get sick until everyone else is better.)

Oh, and I deactivated my Instagram account. Apparently they're changing their rules to allow them to take your pictures and sell/use them in advertising without your knowledge or permission. Since most of those pictures are of the girls and I don't really need special filters to alter my pictures, I figured I wouldn't take that chance.


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