Mad About Poo!

I have been dealing with poop for 4 1/2 years now. I thought I had seen it all. I really did. Abby has made awesome progress. She started struggling a year ago and she's now back to pooping in the potty on a regular basis. She still doesn't like it but she'll do it. Every once and awhile she'll have a setback. The latest setback happened yesterday. We just finished lunch and I took the dishes upstairs. I started loading the dishwasher when I spotted some leftover chocolate Tim-bits. I popped one in my mouth and then I heard Abby yelling, "Isabelle is eating poop!" I raced downstairs and saw a naked Abby pointing at the bathroom. I looked and saw Isabelle on the floor. Her hands and face were smeared with poop. I freaked out. I grabbed her and raced upstairs to the bathtub. I ripped her clothes off and put her under the running water. Keep in mind, I still had a mouthful of chocolate Tim-bit in my mouth as I tried desperately to rinse any poop out of Isabelle's mouth. I almost lost it a few times! I don't think she actually ingested any poop because it looked like she was licking it out. I guess she didn't like the taste. But I gave her lots of water just in case and kept a close eye on her. My best guess is that when Abby took her panties off to poop, some fell on the floor and that's when Isabelle made her move. I've heard of babies reaching in their diapers and smearing their poop on the walls or even eating their own poop but never babies eating someone else's poop. Oh well, they're sisters!! And now I have a great story to embarrass both of them at the same time! Score!

I realize I talk entirely too much about poop. But considering today I changed 4 poopy diapers plus cleaned up after Abby, I talk about poop as much as I deal with it. Too often.

In other Isabelle news; she can stand up now. On Wednesday, we were getting Abby ready for bed when Mark yelled at me to look at Isabelle. She was standing beside her car seat. I pulled out my phone and just as I pressed the button for the camera, she fell down. But today, she stood up a couple times so I got some good pictures.

In closing, I think I might wait awhile before I make another batch of raisin bran muffins. So much bran!


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