Summer of Mark
As I type this, I am sitting curled up in my comfy chair eating an apple peel (Abby got the rest of the apple). Before me, lying on the floor is my exercise mat. I stole the girls' play mat cuz I'm too cheap to buy a proper exercise/yoga mat. It's taunting me. I am tired and my chair feels so good right now. All I want is another cup of coffee but I'm too lazy to even get that. I have been trying to exercise more this summer and for the most part, I have been doing really well. I started out by working out along with DVDs and YouTube videos. Then I found Pilates and downloaded an app on my phone. That was fun too until I figured I needed some cardio as well. I found this new app that has a complete workout that only takes 7 minutes. I like that it's short. I like that it has voice commands so I don't have I keep checking my phone for the next thing to do. I like that it combined cardio and strength and core. What I don't like it that if you miss more than two days in a row, it kicks you off your "achievements" and you have to start all over. Well, we went on vacation for a couple days so I didn't work out. Then when we got back, we cut back a huge portion of our trees. Ain't nobody gonna tell me that not a workout!! The next day we went to the lake and I alternated between swimmimg around the boat with Isabelle on my chest, and dragging Abby around holding my legs. So yeah, that qualifies as a workout in my mind! I don't really like doing the same thing everyday. It gets monotonous and boring. And then I don't want to do it anymore. One day I'll walk. The next, I'll do Pilates, then I'll do the 7 minute workout. I guess I just need to be able to ignore the app achievements and focus on my own.
Speaking of going on the boat, we took it out yesterday (despite the threat of thunderstorms, which never came). It was the last day of Mark's holidays so it only seemed right to end it with a trip to the lake. Remember this?