Day Off

It’s PD day for schools today. That means teachers (my husband) are at school but the students are at home. Therefore, I took the day off to spend with the girls.

There’s a fear on these types of days that the girls will spend the entire day on either their iPads or the tv. And I’m not going to lie, they already watched a few episodes of cartoons. But then they also spent 20 minutes reading (after some prodding and a couple threats), they gave the dog a bath and spent some time outside. There is a new indoor play centre that just opened up this spring. We’ve gone a couple times. It’s a lot of fun and the girls love it but it’s kinda pricey. The youngest was invited to a birthday held there yesterday. So I roll the older one along and just paid for her to play. It was a great way to save half the cost and yet have them play for a solid two hours! 

It’s not easy to balance electronics and outside play and creative play. But I do the best I can. 

I also managed a cup of tea this afternoon. It was pretty good. Then, I took the girls to the pool and we all saw around for awhile. When we got home, they watched a movie and I had a nap. Balance.

And for something extra, here’s a hawk I saw in our backyard that seemed to have caught a mouse.


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