
I love the sun. Love it. Even in the dead of winter. It could be -30° out but as long as the sun is shining , I’m good. It’s been rainy and cloudy for about three weeks now. And it feels like forever!! It doesn’t help that I’ve been dealing with some serious sinus pressure (don’t know if that’s weather related or not). I just feel sleepy and cold and I want to have a nap. I want the sun to come back out!! I want my solar panels to actually do some good!! I want to see the sky again!!

The forecast is calling for a couple sunny days soon, followed almost immediately by flurries!! Hopefully tomorrow it alright. It’s my daughter’s “take two” for her birthday party. It’s already been rescheduled from last weekend when the wind was so bad and it snowed!! BRING ON THE SUN!!


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